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RSS Rufat

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

And this is why we believe that no Muslim community center should be built next to “Ground Zero.” It is wrong in many ways, and even though in America freedom of religion is guaranteed, there are limits to it. Firstly, as 9/11 was inspired by Islam, it would be purely insulting to the memories and families of those who lost their lives, to build a Mosque right there. Secondly, as Islam promotes equality, it seems wrong that no churches or synagogues are permitted to be built in Saudi Arabia, and that Christians and Jews are not allowed to enter Mecca. Lastly, building the “Ground Zero Mosque” will spark protests and riots all over New York, and soon anti-Muslim extremists would launch attacks on the Mosque. By avoiding building the community center, Muslims will guarantee a safe future, and many losses would be avoided and many lives saved. It is important not repeat past mistakes, as they all lead to chaos. Islam is all about peace, so it should be kept in mind while making the decision, because that decision decides the fate of innocent people that do not deserve to suffer.

1 point

It was meant to be Churches. Sorry for the mistake. It still makes sense.

1 point

And this is why we believe that no Muslim community center should be built next to “Ground Zero.” It is wrong in many ways, and even though in America freedom of religion is guaranteed, there are limits to it. Firstly, as 9/11 was inspired by Islam, it would be purely insulting to the memories and families of those who lost their lives, to build a Mosque right there. Secondly, as Islam promotes equality, it seems wrong that no churches or synagogues are permitted to be built in Saudi Arabia, and that Christians and Jews are not allowed to enter Mecca. Lastly, building the “Ground Zero Mosque” will spark protests and riots all over New York, and soon anti-Muslim extremists would launch attacks on the Mosque. By avoiding building the community center, Muslims will guarantee a safe future, and many losses would be avoided and many lives saved. It is important not repeat past mistakes, as they all lead to chaos. Islam is all about peace, so it should be kept in mind while making the decision, because that decision decides the fate of innocent people that do not deserve to suffer.

1 point

The extremists responsible for 9/11 are Muslims, I think that is a good enough reason to blame them, because if it wasn't for them his friends wouldn't be dead.

1 point

What are you trying to prove. Most citizens are against the mosque, and they were the ones to disagree, because if the Mosque is built, the n they will be the ones in danger when the anti-Muslim extremists attack.

2 points

Polls that were conducted to find out what people thought of the “Ground Zero Mosque” and these were the results against the Mosque: CNN - 68%, Rasmussen - 54%, and Quinnipiac - 71%.

3 points

Building an Islamic Mosque nearby a place where killings were inspired by it seems absurd, as a Serbian Orthodox church near the killing fields of Srebrenica, where 8,000 Muslims were brutally murdered would never be built, and neither would a pro-Japanese monument near Pearl Harbor.

3 points

New York has over 100 Mosques and can be freely used by Muslims for worship. Building anywhere else would make everyone satisfied. Several well-known Muslims agree, including Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and Stephen Schwartz, Executive Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism. The Muslim Canadian Congress added: "We believe the [Park51] proposal has been made in bad faith and, in Islamic parlance, is creating 'fitna,' meaning 'mischief-making,' an act clearly forbidden in the Qur’an."

3 points

Change what? The past? Why would you destroy a memorial? How is wrecking a death bed of thousands good?

2 points

It's not the Ground Zero that offends them, it's the idea of a Mosque next to a place where chaos was caused by the inspiration of the mosque.

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