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8th grade Amendment debates

Build the Ultimate Forum!

Have you ever wanted to start your own forum? Now you can set up and customize your own CreateDebate in only a few minutes!

Tons of Free Features:

  • Name your site and take control of your own custom subdomain
  • Upload your own logo and customize debate category navigation
  • Keep close tabs on your community by tracking usage and activity metrics
  • Manage spam and control content with the ability to delete debates and arguments
  • Build and manage a membership that can soar into the thousands and beyond!

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Start Your Own CreateDebate and Get Organized

Building a CreateDebate community is the ultimate in personalization. Now its easier than ever to set up an online debate forum to sift through the ideas and thoughts of your teammates, students or colleagues. With just a few simple steps you'll be up and running on your own sub-domain!

Your Debate Team

Stage mock debates to dissect upcoming policy topics and hone your plan of attack!
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Your Classroom

Build interactive debates into your lesson plans to energize and engage your students!
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Your Organization

Organize and harness the intelligence of your organization to make better decisions!
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When people come together and debate, progress is made. A CreateDebate community is a great way to get the people around you thinking about the ideas that matter. Do you have the passion to customize and control your own online debate forum? Go for it!