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8th grade Amendment debates

Raniam's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Closing Statement:

I hope you can change your view of the whole situation to match ours. Remember : Not building the Mosque would be better for the American government.

2 points

Don't you remember it was muslims who were responsible for 9/11. Since it was Islamic radicals that destroyed the 9/11 attacks then why should we trust them to build a mosque. >:(

1 point

There are only 29% that want the mosque to be built and majority rules

2 points

70% of Americans oppose of the building because of the hatred of muslims and it’s an insult. Plus they don’t want a mosque marking the site of the 9/11 attacks.

2 points

Even though it wasn’t all muslims that were involved it was still there religion and it’s there responsibility to demolish any bad beliefs from hurting other human.

1 point

Who is this wise man if he is so important tell me about him.

2 points

Exactly so why shouldn't be building this mosque. For example they have a mosque that is four blocks away and another one thats 12 blocks away

Check Here:

1 point

So if your saying it causes more hatred, then why build it, "I understand the anger, the bitterness and hatred, but it only generates more hatred"

How is there faith if everything that is going on is terrible.

1 point

If your a citizen that cares about your country then, you shouldn't build the mosque, because your country won't be chaotic.

1 point

Actually it does Jae because, the muslims are "trying" to build it in America. Even if America is a free country and can do whatever they want there are zoning laws.

2 points

Introduction -

Thank you for coming today, our discussion consists of the 1st amendment freedom of religion. As stated our opinion, is that the Ground Zero mosque shall not be built near the 9/11 crash site. You may have your reasons for the mosque to be built, but we are counter debating your opinion.

These are our opinions and facts on why the Ground Zero Mosque shall not be built

Many people are still mourning about their loved ones, in 2013 bodies were

found near the crash site, if they are planning to construct a mosque in this area, then some bodies might not be found.

ticle-1.1306464 - 2013, bodies found

In America the twin towers were attacked, so why would they replace such a great site with something that they could build elsewhere, all the people that died there, could make America look bad in the press and to the world, just because they are building a mosque in a sacred place to mourn about the people that died there.

(If the imam and the Muslim leaderships in that community are so intent on building bridges, then they should voluntarily move the mosque away from ground zero and move it whether it's uptown or somewhere else, but move it away from that area.)

People should listen to the majority of the public opinion. America has many problems, they are already are in a major debt, about $1.8 billion just from the Iraq war. So why use money on a building, that 61% of people are opposing against and only about 26% that support the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque.,8599,2011799,00.html

If it is built, it could endanger New Yokes because of Anti-Muslim extremists. These people might and could target this building for more attacks, this could lead to a whole new 9/11 attack.

After this debate, I hope you can change your view of the whole situation to match ours. Remember : Not building the Mosque would be better for the American government.

2 points

This is a good point, because this shows that they aren't the strongest country which states the fact that they could ruin and change some countries from how it was before it would be wrong especially to change the world, So we shouldn't have the US be the world's police force.

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