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8th grade Amendment debates

DonghyunKim's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DonghyunKim's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In this case, you are morphing simple statistics into propaganda, and are nitpicking from sources that say both sides.

To be honest, the strip club is legal. Adults have their rights, and that is one of them.

Furthermore, you haven't even thought for the families. Are they that insignificant?

2 points

Our final points:

We aren't against the mosque; we simply wish it could be built further away. We aren't against free religion; we are considerate to the families in pain. We don't ignore the economic benefits; we feel mental health and well-being is more important than money.

Feel free to post further.

1 point

Just because the families are against the mosque doesn't mean they're against free religion. They are just so scarred that they don't want to be reminded of the site. Furthermore, do you know how they are funded? In fact, nobody does, because they refuse to specifically cite where they're getting it.

Rather interesting, isn't it? Why is a funding matter so difficult to reveal?

0 points

Is this a fact? As in an actual quote, data, statistic, or is it an opinion that you've morphed into a fact to try and ignore the families?

1 point

From all of you for the building of the mosque, I'd like to hear your opinions on the families.

You argue for the rights of minorities yet ignore the 'small' number of families that feel sensitive about it. You argue for the economic benefits while ignoring the mental damage it'll cause.

We also don't have just one source. Here are some more, but I'm sure you'll read it. 100%.,8599,2011799,00.html‘insensitive’

1 point

So your point is...what?

BTW this is the first time you've even addressed the families. Below are some opinions from the families.

0 points

We don't support taking away their rights. We never did. We believe that it should be built further away.

1 point

Build it further away. Don't you even think that this is the logical thing to do? We never said that there shouldn't be a mosque, so why continuously bring this up?

1 point

You continuously argue about the economic benefits and say that that isn't a mosque. Are the families even in your mind? They all realize that it's for a good cause. It's not a matter of racism of anti-Islam either; it's a matter of sensitivity.

I'd really like to hear your opinion on the families. Or are they so insignificant because the mosque has a bunch of stuff in it? com/2010/07/14/nyregion/14center.html? r=0&sa;=D&sntz;=1&usg;=AFQjCNHmEsSxLgmT8SwOuJgNT7JUFyjxQ

2 points

Why do you think there weren't any mosques built? It wasn't to help the funding of Park51; the government was being considerate. I realize that the Muslims in lower Manhattan need a place to worship.

Our argument isn't 'there shouldn't be any mosques near Ground Zero,' it's rather 'built the thing further away instead of right next to it' so everyone can be happy.

0 points

Yes, it is in a place where the Burlington Coat Factory used to be because they had to tear down the 100+ year old memorial. Another thing that has to be destroyed because people can't be flexible and build it 7-8 blocks away where it isn't so closely related to the 9/11 attacks.

Of course it's not at Ground Zero; there's the memorial there.

1 point

There is already a memorial there that highlights all people that have died, whether they be christian or muslim. Furthermore, is the mosque a memorial? Or a sign of victory?

1 point

"Islamic City Center"

Does that not give it away to you? Furthermore, we aren't arguing over whether or not this is a mosque or not, we are arguing about the building of the mosque. Let's stay on topic.

I know that the mosque will bring economic benefits. So if it's so good, then why not build it a little further away? It'll serve exactly the same purpose, people will cheer for it, end of story.

Instead you argue that you should slap all the families in the face that feel sensitive about it and just go ahead and build the thing.

1 point

That's like saying a church with a gym isn't a church; it's a church. Of course this is a 13-story tall community center. However, it is based around a mosque. In essence, it's a fancy mosque.

Don't bring up economic benefits of the thing; instead think of all the families that will be affected by it.

0 points

Is there a right in the constitution that allows a city center that causes so much pain to the families to be built? Is it not so much easier for all sides for the mosque to be built a few blocks away?

0 points opinion/oped/articles/2010/06/06/amosqueatground_zero/

Even the muslim leaders in the US agree that the mosque shouldn't be built so close to ground zero. They say that a mosque should be a place of joy and happiness, not pain and grief.

Expressing freedom of religion does not have to come in such a polarizing way.

1 point

The Qur'an does tell muslims to act peacefully, and indeed the real ones are just like any other people, and the people that committed the 9/11 attacks aren't muslims. However, we aren't against the building of a mosque in that area. Muslims need a place to worship. However, why in such a place that causes pain to the families? Can't it be built somewhere else? Why do you think Germany is so careful on anything that has is even remotely related to the Nazis?

1 point

Steven Hawking came up with a theory that if there is a black hole that sucks everything in, there must be a white hole that sucks everything out. It was proven false, but instead there are blackholes that vanish almost instantly after they are created.

We won't survive at the rate that we consume things. We will survive if we stop wasting money on Mars and start to use that money to help us survive as a community.

1 point

I don't think that space funding should be completely stopped; I rather think that countries battling against each other for their ego on space and wasting precious money on pointless things like colonising astroids should be stopped.

1 point

And how exactly are we going to get there? Wormholes? Breaking the laws of physics to travel hundreds of times faster than light?

1 point

Einstein's relativity theory clearly states that faster-than-light travel is impossible as the amount of energy required to travel at such a speed exponentially increases until it reaches infinity at the speed of light.

You could harvest a million stars and you still wouldn't have enough energy to do that.

2 points

Chris you'll die on the way there and back because of solar radiation; and by the time that we need to find another planet to live on, how many people do you think will be able to afford to escape to Mars?

Spending funding on saving the Earth will eliminate the problem of finding a new habitat in the first place.

1 point

While the technological advancements that have resulted from the space race are most certainly beneficial to humans, I feel like fundings for exploring Mars or mining astroids should be cut to help people that would rather have essentials for living instead of finding out that aliens live on Mars.

1 point

We can't visit those planets because they are millions of light years away. Going faster than light speed is impossible.

2 points

Going faster than light is impossible. Personally, I'd rather help the suffering people on Earth than to have a moon rock as a souvenir.

4 points

While space exploration is a necessary thing for advancements in science and technology, and while satellites and telescopes that do research for the age of space or how the universe works is useful, the exorbitant amount of money spent on things like looking for life forms on Mars or bringing back moon rocks is a waste of valuable money that can be spent on helping the people that would benefit much more from a house and proper meals than a statement that life forms might exist under the ice caps of Mars.

Besides, inhabiting other planets is impossible due to solar radiation and unless we can travel faster than light we won't go to another system to find a planet.

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