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RSS KyuminHuh

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Our first point for right to bear arms is that it was stated by George Washington, which we believe is a fundamental individual right, the second point is for safety of Americans. There were cases in America where citizens saved themselves from criminals, because they had guns, for example, a 68 year old East Lake man saved himself by shooting 2 intruders in his house, if the 68 year old didn’t have any arms to protect himself, he would have likely faced extreme conditions. Also, Like Jesus once said, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” This shows that Jesus also believes protecting yourself is more important than anything, and we should protect ourselves with arms. Our third point is the leisure people feel by hunting or shooting targets. It is a human right that someone can freely own a gun for safety, belief, and leisure.

2 points

Guns do kill people, but is that the only weapon to kill people? As stated in this article, knives kill 5 times more people then rifles kill people. Knives and other cutting instrument killed 1490 victims in 2013, but in contrast 285 victims died because of firearms.

1 point

The FBI statistics show that knives have been used as a murder weapon far more often than rifles — even those evil “assault weapons” we hear so much about — for quite a while. In 2013, knives or other cutting instruments were used to kill 1,490 victims. In contrast, rifles were the cause of death of 285 murder victims.

1 point

The fact is that the banning of firearms only increases crime as a whole. Canada, Australia, and England showed these trends and it continues today. The lie in the article is that so many people are shot and killed each year. If you remove the number that are killed by Law Enforcement, the values take a sharp turn down. More people are killed each year by Knives than guns. Do they want to ban them as well. The fact is that if every person was trained, and carried who was an adult over 21 and not a felon. With the obvious fact about mental states of these people. Then crime would decrease. The facts are out now and crime in DC has gone down along with Chicago. So allowing more guns decreased crime. So why do the Anti Gun Liberals continue to lie and create more restrictions.

1 point

In the third point, arms won't be dangerous to kids if they get educated to never use a gun unless someone is attacking them, and the two cases are clearly the paren't fault for not educating the kids, not the government's fault.

2 points

US has one of the strongest army in the world, and some countries don't have resources to defend themselves from stronger countries. If US doesn't help, weaker countries can get controlled by stronger countries. For world peace.

2 points

People still die in wars, what if the country you thought you were allies with suddenly betray you? What would you do to the lives that were sacrificed?

1 point

How do you know if another problem might happen after they solved the previous problem?

2 points

Can you explain why? United States should be the world's police force? You didn't provide any supports to help your argument.

3 points

US is one of the biggest country, which probably means that there will be more problems in the country. Before they want to help, they should probably fix the problems inside the country.

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