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RSS Antoine44

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well can you explain to me why it worked in other major countries, the U.S has the most crimes, there has to be a relation between the most guns and the highest crime rate!

1 point

here is my source:

but why is the U.S not in the safest countries since they have so many guns?

Here is a list of most peaceful countries this time america is 96!

1 point

What are you proving all I see is a bunch of court cases?

1 point

Well Chicago is a state, guns could be brought in from other states.

1 point

What information are you talking about? which information?

1 point

Can anyone tell me why the u.s shouldn't follow the same path as Australia?

1 point

Strict gun laws in australia made after a school shooting in 1996 has made about 650,000 automatic and semi-automatic weapons destroyed. Since then the gun related homicides dropped 59% between 1996 and 2006 and suicides by gun dropped 65%. Also before the shooting in 1996 there had been 11 school shootings after the strict gun laws there were ZERO shootings. Why shouldn’t america follow the same example?

link: control-laws

Another related post to australia, in this link you can see that australia’s homicides with a gun went down after all the gun laws in 1996. There is a graph that shows the homicide with a firearm from 1915 to 2007, in the graph you can see that in 1968 the percentage of homicides was 44% and at it’s highest and then you can see it going down with the laws that took away many guns, where it is only 16% in 2000-2001.

1 point

You are saying that more guns means that most self defense. You are saying that gun makes you safe, well the U.S has the most guns so therefore it should be the safest country in the world or at least one of the safest. Well No! it is 88th in the world! You explain that to me!

1 point

THis is an article that proves that guns are not so much used in self defense. This article is specifically proving a poll where it is said that there is 2.5 million self defense uses. 2.5 million, that means that there are a self defense case every 13 seconds! are you joking! I bet that most of those cases are fake or just someone had a a gun.

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