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8th grade Amendment debates

Keelyperkin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Keelyperkin's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I've said this too many times. I understand that these machines help us stay safe, yet WHY do these machines have to be so graphic. This is a huge privacy invasion...

You said that this advanced scanning is safe??? Because having your body being exposed to unhealthy machine radiation is so healthy. ITS NOT!

1 point

I understand that there are risks on airplanes. Yet why do these images have to be so graphic? Why would the security need to see genitals in order to make sure that there are no weapons? I mean, breasts don't exactly need to be so graphic either. Simply a different color shows where a metal is being hidden.. Anyways why not make a different machine or a item that is able to show metals without doing so much harm to the human body..? This, I don't understand and doesn't make sense to me.

1 point b1079495.html

This source here clearly says that

" Because of these machines, 6 to 100 americans are getting cancer and dying every year."

1 point

Couldn't agree less about this, yet if this is one airport doing such, I would assume that it's not the only airport. If a women is so afraid of going through this scanner, this could send a clear message.

1 point

I understand this completely, but why can't the government think of something that wouldn't be so harmful to passengers? Yet at the same time it would be able to detect all types of metals. Big or small.

1 point

Why doesn't the government make a new object that you are able to detect metal that doesn't give off so much radiation. Why cant the government think a bit harder? Why does the government A) want to put the people of his country and even visitors in risk and B) have the privacy of people be violated.

1 point

"I asked to be pat down instead of going through the body scanner as I am pregnant. The TSA agents repeated again for me to just go through the scanner and it would be done in 5 seconds. No matter how much I pushed for a hand pat down, they pushed me harder for the machine. I feel like when i specifically ask for something that is an option for me, I should be able to get it. I will literally never fly through the Chicago Airport again because of this incident"

-Molly A.

She is trying to keep her baby safe yet when she tries so hard, she is being pushed harder to put her baby in danger.

1 point

"I will not allow my 8 year old son to be treated in this fashion and he will therefore, for the first time in his life, not spend the holidays with his grandparents. I will not allow my government to molest or take naked photos of my child."

Gregory C.

Seems like he has a point.. What parent wants the government to keep naked photos of their children and not delete them?

1 point

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) promised to make an effort to try and make these images less graphic, unfortunately nothing has changed and these images remain to show very graphic images of our bodies. So why would they not even try to make these less graphic? I mean, if they made these images not so graphic they would still be able to recognise the weapons that are hidden throughout our bodies. The amount of body parts that are visible is just inappropriate. Again, why do these images have to be so graphic?

2 points

My dad is a pilot and here is what only one pilot has to say.

“I am now on the A380 so I fly about 7 times a month, this means that I have to go through security 14 times because these flights are overnights. Although, when I was on the A330-A340 I flew about 13-16 times a months but most of these flights were turnarounds so I only had to go through security 13-16 times. But that’s 13-16 more times of being exposed to radiation. I always have hated going though those machines, I hate the thought of the security seeing graphic images of my body and my chance of getting cancer increases every time I fly, because of high radiation. I love my job and flying is almost like a hobby to me, yet going through those machines can cause cancer. Just by going through these machine, makes my job life threatening.” My dad has been to the hospital, and doctors many time for cancer check ups and he is able to see that the amount of radiation that his body is being exposed to in fact, does increase.

-Grant Perkin, age 47. Has been flying since he was 17.

2 points

He would feel comfortable? How comfortable is really knowing that they are saving our images of us standing there naked. At least for me, I don't agree with having my naked body images being saved and in fact don't find this comfortable at all.

2 points

Hmm. Okay well, these images are not being deleted we have no physical proof that these images are being deleted. My source states that Florida actually admitted to storing these photos of us body naked. How nice. Also, you are able to choose which gender of a person can pat you down and feel you up. These X-rays are in fact harmful maybe not to those who only fly a bit, but do you even think about the pilots and cabin crew who are always flying? The amount of radiation doses that the crew adds up and in fact makes these machines harmful.

1 point

Alright, but that doesn't mean that we have to use these harmful machines to find a bomb.

Even a machine that could see our body but not our actual body parts could do the trick. Why do these images have to be so graphic??

1 point

That's for passengers. Some people don't fly that much. But how about pilots? Studies have suggested that veteran pilots are disproportionately susceptible to cancer. A survey of Icelandic commercial flyboys, conducted in 2000 by the University of Iceland's Dr. Vilhjálmur Rafnsson, found that skin cancer rates for pilots were between 10 and 25 times higher than that of the general public.

Hasler, Joe P. "The Truth About TSA Airport Scanning." Popular Mechanics. N.p., 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 20 May 2015.

2 points

Radiation is in fact something to worry about.

Because of the frequency, some pilots are concerned that the extra radiation exposure will put them at greater risk of health issues. Each and every time that they go through this machine, their bodies are being exposed to the chance of getting cancer. There is no denying that this technology exposes to small doses of radiation, which can cause cancer when the doses add up. Captain Dan Bates, president of the Allied Pilots Association (APA), wrote: "We already experience significantly higher radiation exposure than most other occupations, and there is mounting evidence of higher-than-average cancer rates as a consequence." If this is only one pilot who says this, imagine how many other pilots there are out there?

Hasler, Joe P. "The Truth About TSA Airport Scanning." Popular Mechanics. N.p., 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 20 May 2015.

2 points

Really? Thats so strange because this source

states that Florida is keeping our photos saved.. but for what exact purpose? And how many other states are keeping our photos?

2 points

TSA officials stress that the body scanners are incapable of data storage and that once an inspection ends and the image is cleared, it disappears forever.At the same time, U.S. marshals at a courthouse in Florida allegedly stored tens of thousands of these images. TSA itself has publicly admitted that scanning machines do in fact possess the capability to "store, print, record and export" the images it creates, but contends that this ability is only used for "testing, training and evaluation." This source clearly says that although they say that they are not keeping these images, they are. If Florida is keeping these images, it makes me wonder how many other states are keeping our naked body images.

0 points

I understand that these machine assure us of being much safer, yet why are americans dying from because of the amount of radiation that these machines are giving off? Are these machines really safe then?

1 point

Our first argument states that these machines are very dangerous and are a huge health risk. The airport security tells us that these machines are being used to assure us that we are safe, and no one is questioning that. But, if it safe for our bodies? They assure us that it’s safe, but I’m questioning that big time. Because of these machines, 6 to 100 americans are getting cancer every year. People first started realising that these machines could be a risk to our health in 1998. Radiation experts were warning against these machines by saying that using X ray scanners to look under people clothing to search for threats.

Whitehead, John W. "Cancer-Causing Airport Scanners? Enough Is Enough." The Huffington Post., 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 May 2015.

1 point

Salutations fellow esteemed peers

The controversial topic under debate today, is whether or not the TSA should be able to adopt advanced imagery to observe the items underneath passenger’s clothes.

This is just another example of how the US government has been violating our constitutional rights that were ratified more than a century ago.

Throughout this debate, we will be arguing that these airport machines are highly dangerous as they can cause health risks,how they are an invasion of privacy, and how they are religiously and culturally disrespectful.

Based on the first thoughts that have come into your head, it is obvious that the topic of discussion is very controversial.

1 point

This source states that it is best for women and men to train together for one main reason which is that both genders should "practice" together before stepping out on the battlefield. What would happen if they both got out there together yet didn't know how to work together?

This source also says that both women and men learn how each other do certain things and adapt to it. This is good practice before setting out on the battlefield. This would also decrease the time it takes for them to complete a task as they are working together and they would already know how to work together from their training.

"The United States is based on equality and equal rights; women are equally capable of training with men than without men"

This training needs to be serious and mature, what better way than to put two genders together to have them train and help each other.

" It is not Constitutional right to keep men and women separate during the most important part of training our military. "

1 point

Saying that men are more physically strong than women could be a good thing. This could make women work harder.

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