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8th grade Amendment debates

Karan-aime's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Karan-aime's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

People should listen to the public opinion not more powerful people in small groups, most people were against building the mosque and they choose the president so we should listen to those people.

2 points

Your assumption is that America's security has increased but terrorists have not upgraded their weapons, although that is not true and sadly terrorists have gotten deadlier weapons which imposes threats.

0 points

There should be no Islamic center near 9/11 attack site at least until Jews and Christians are allowed into Mecca or Churches are allowed in Saudi Arabia. Muslims who call for tolerance should address their own practices before criticize America's.

2 points

"As long as the Islamic community center doesn't impose any threat to the local community it should be allowed." The Islamic center does impose a threat as anti-muslim extremists might target it for attacks and would endanger innocent New Yorkers.

1 point

Spending too much money on world crimes could end up in even heavier debt.

2 points

Past events suggest that giving the US too much power and control might end up in conflict with other countries such as Russia and China.

3 points

As we have seen in past events, the US is not always reasonable when they have control and power.

2 points

As the most powerful country on earth, they should not be given all responsibilities as the world police.If they abuse this power and other countries cannot do very much.

2 points

If the US have full power over the world crimes they might abuse it and use it in their favor.

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