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8th grade Amendment debates

Jadkamel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jadkamel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

As weird as this sounds, strip clubs helped some of the people suffering.

1 point

As most muslims know that they should be considerate to others, as they are told to in the Qur'an, they should at least consider this.

Source: A muslim.

2 points

This goes for moderate muslims, not Wahabi muslims, which are the muslims that are funding Park51.

jadkamel Clarified
0 points

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean the people are going to allow it to happen, especially in a democratic country, the people have the power.

1 point

Feisal Abdul Rauf is known for being close allies with Saudi Arabia, where wahabi islam thrives. As most mosques in america are funded by Saudi Arabia, the intentions of this islamic community center will have influence by Wahabi islam. Wahabi islam is one of the causes for islamic extremism.

1 point

While it is a right, it's also extremely insensitive. How would you feel if Japanese people came to America, and built a Japanese community center next to pearl harbour?

1 point

While having an islamic community center might seem extremely beneficial to muslims, putting near ground zero would make the radical islamist believe that they are victorious over Americans, as they would think that they blew up their tower and replaced it with a mosque, this mentality of extremist islam, is extremely dangerous to the islamic community and to non-muslims. This would all be avoided if the community center would be in a different location.

2 points

60% Of all Americans believe that Park 51 should not be built. More than 70 % of Americans believe that Park 51 is insensitive, That’s more than 223230000 people. If more than 223230000 people think that building a mosque there is extremely insensitive, shouldn't they at least reconsider the location of Park51,8599,2011799,00.html

1 point

And approximately 2917 non-muslims were killed by the name of Islam. It is unfortunate to all those that lost their lives, but using their deaths to justify building a community center close to where so much devastation happened, is extremely inappropriate.

0 points

You can't deny the fact that this project is primarily based for islam, as it is an "islamic community center"

1 point

That information is outdated, as Park51 isn't going to be 13 stories high, as it was originally planned to be. timestopics/organizations/p/park51/index.html

0 points

The estimated minimum number of New Yorkers suffering from PTSD as a result of 9/11 is 422,000. As a direct result of 9/11, there have been 1,300 orphans,

alcohol consumption went up by 25% and cigarette usage increased by 10 %. All of these terrible things happened because of what terrorists did in the name of islam. The tragedy of 9/11 didn't just stop at the towers, these facts eventually led up to even more death and despair. Ground Zero should be a memorial for what has happened to all those effected, not a site for any religion.

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