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8th grade Amendment debates

Lategan's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

In conclusion advanced imaging technology should be used to peer under people’s clothes to find metallic or nonmetallic threats. This method of security is not harmful to a person's health because it doesn’t use X-rays to look the person’s clothes, it bounces electromagnetic radiation off your body. If you don’t feel comfortable with this method you are allowed to opt out and the alternative will be a pat-down.

1 point

Can you please post the source where you found this information.

1 point

It is good that they spend money to make sure that the scanners are in good condition. People then can pass through the scanners without worrying if it will harm them.

1 point

Hamza you need to check your spelling before you try to make a point.

1 point

Would you rather get hurt by someone who brought a liquid explosive onto the plain or wait 2-3 minutes to safe a persons life.

1 point

Thank you for agreeing with us Tobias. You are right the TSA removed the Backscatter technology which uses X-rays to scan people.

1 point

I'm sorry, you are posting the same thing over and over. If I have to say something 3 times for you to finally understand it, then thats fine with me.

1 point

Can you please post the source where you got this information from because you should read what scanner they use.

1 point

Thats why they use millimeter wave technology which bounces off harmless electromagnetic waves. Before you say something read what I've written because I have already said they use millimeter wave technology.

1 point

Advanced Imaging Technology is considered safe for everyone; including pregnant woman, individuals with medical transplants and children.

1 point

“These alleged acts are egregious and intolerable. TSA has removed the two officers from the agency,” the agency said in a statement. “All allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated by the agency. And when substantiated, employees are held accountable.”

1 point

Yes! Another reason why body scanners are safe to use. The technology of these machines are accurate which encourage safety

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