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8th grade Amendment debates

DonghyunKim's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DonghyunKim's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Going faster than light is impossible. Personally, I'd rather help the suffering people on Earth than to have a moon rock as a souvenir.

4 points

While space exploration is a necessary thing for advancements in science and technology, and while satellites and telescopes that do research for the age of space or how the universe works is useful, the exorbitant amount of money spent on things like looking for life forms on Mars or bringing back moon rocks is a waste of valuable money that can be spent on helping the people that would benefit much more from a house and proper meals than a statement that life forms might exist under the ice caps of Mars.

Besides, inhabiting other planets is impossible due to solar radiation and unless we can travel faster than light we won't go to another system to find a planet.

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