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8th grade Amendment debates

Noorsoliman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Noorsoliman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Guns have no power, the power is in the holder's hand. If the holder had proper restrictions, this wouldn't have happened.

1 point

As said by Ann Coulter, "Guns are our friends because in a country without guns, I'm what's known as "prey." All females are.” If the girl had a gun, she could have shot the shooter and saved many lives. Guns usually scare the criminal away in public shootings.

1 point

An apartment manager sitting in her car while talking with a tenant shot the tenant's husband several times, killing him, after he began stabbing through the window during the argument. The tentant's husband was a danger to her, the gun probably saved her life.

1 point

No, there are more dangerous weapons that kill many citizens each year such as fires, falls, and poisoning. They wouldn't be able to ban dogs from the country, because there are many things that are dangerous to the citizens but they wouldn't be able to ban.

1 point

No, there are more dangerous weapons that kill many citizens each year such as fires, falls, and poisoning. They wouldn't be able to ban dogs from the country, because there are many things that are dangerous to the citizens but they wouldn't be able to ban.

1 point

If the second amendment was dismissed, the criminals would find a way to import guns, and no citizens had guns then the criminals would have an advantage. If guns were banned and criminals imported them illegally, the citizens that follow the law wouldn't have guns which would be to the criminal's advantage.

1 point

A woman’s adult son shot and injured his mother’s boyfriend, Tony Hardin, in Tennessee, after Hardin allegedly fought with the woman and chased her with a hammer, threatening to kill her. Hardin faces charges. The mother probably would have been killed by the boyfriend if the son didn't shoot him. This saves the mother's life.

1 point

To argue your point that most murders in America are cause by guns, there is a graph showing that there are more dog bites than firearms in America.

To argue your point that the police cant help every individual, because the average time it takes for a police to respond is 11 minutes, so the citizens need protection if the police doesn’t come in time.

1 point


― Aaron B. Powell, Guns

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”

― Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle

Guns don't have any power alone, they only have power when they are in someone's hands. That person could either use it for good or evil, so the guns aren't the problem.

1 point

The average time it takes for a police to respond is 11 minutes, so the citizens need protection if the police doesn’t come in time. The citizen needs protection until the police comes. Also, the police can't protect every individual.

1 point

Armed citizens can help reduce crime because according to John Lott (PhD) gun laws helped reduce "homicides by 8.5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, rapes by 5%, and robberies by 3%" So no it doesn't increase the victims likeliness of a homicide.

1 point

If the second amendment gets taken away the criminals would turn to other weapons such as; knives, baseball bats, gasoline and matches, etc. If they make guns illegal and the criminals moved on to stabbings the country wouldn't ban knives, and baseballs, etc.

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