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8th grade Amendment debates

Maremetz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Maremetz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Guns dont kill people, people kill people with guns. You can say that if we should ban guns then why not ban knifes or pencils since if those end up in the wrong hands they can be used to hurt somebody. Guns are designed to kill people and only for that while the other things are not designed for that.

1 point

This is a government site, the information on this site is factual information.

1 point

A weapon is designed for harmful matter and there is nothing that can prove that wrong. Hanging a gun on a wall is not safe because anyone can take the gun, go to target, get bullets, and shoot innocent people.

1 point

Yet for all of these point the gun can end up in the wrong hands, a child can take it and shoot it, a mentally ill person can take this and shoot it and anyone who is angry and thinks shooting is going to help can take that gun and shoot it.

1 point

A columnist for FoxNews is not accurate information, he is just writing his point of view on this topic and anyone can do that.

1 point

I see that you tried to compare cars and guns but cars are used for driving around and are certainly not designed to kill or injure people. Guns are designed for one thing only and that is killing people or injuring them.''In the two years since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, there have been at least 94 other school, college or university shootings in the United States.''

0 points

Who is Susan Williams? but way too often guns are used to kill innocent people, like school shootings.

1 point

Using the product in a photo shoot is one thing and celebrities are not always fully aware of how the product is made but some celebrities make their own shoes, shirts or makeup line, and often their products are not made fairly, they are made by children,tested on animals or they have unhealthy chemicals in them. The celebrity would not know this if he/she was not involved and responsible for their own product, and it could hurt their reputation.

1 point

The product is still being advertised under the celebrities name and since the celebrity is more famous than the manufacturing company most people will blame the celebrity.

4 points

Celebrities are role models to many people and should set a good example. If they want to make their own product then they are fully responsible for it since they are paying for it and its being advertised under their name.

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