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8th grade Amendment debates

JoshL's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JoshL's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

4% that means 96% of the death sentence were not innocent. Restating this.

1 point

Life in prison is worse, so life in should go under the cruel and unusual punishment. Also putting someone in prison for life is the death penalty.

2 points

Criminals in prison another opportunity to kill again.

2 points

Criminals in prison another opportunity to kill again.

2 points

Science have been growing especially DNA, making it easier to say if the person is guilty or innocent.

1 point

When a state executes a murder there is a decrease of murders at average of 14.

1 point

Pay attention we are doing America not the rest of the world.

Americans side the death penalty by 2 to 1 when a criminal kills innocent civilians.

1 point

Another piont is that person had to have evidence for them to be the killer other wise he or she wouldn't have been courted.

-1 points

If a person murders a whole group of people and we kill him for killing them we are doing the wrong thing.

0 points

If someone kills a person it is a oops sorry didn't mean it situation.

-1 points

4% that means 96% of the death sentence were not innocent.

0 points

Studies by Emory University shows for each execution there was 18 fewer murders in 1977 through 1996.

Ernest van den Haag (Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University) said that “people are afraid of death than anything else.”

-2 points
2 points

Yes they should, because they should know what the effects of the product can do to people. They know there are people that look up to them, and they know those people would buy that product because the celebrity says they should buy it too.

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