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8th grade Amendment debates

CharlieW's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CharlieW's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You just stated "People with guns kill many more people than they would if they didn't have guns." May I ask where did you get this information, who said it, is this even true? Do people not kill people with knives? Should we now try and ban guns just because they kill people. On November 11, 2014 studies were shown by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more than rifles are used . With this information should we ban knives because according to you people with guns kill many more people, so people with knives kill more people? Whats this about England or Costa Rica or Japan?

1 point

Why did the parents leave a loaded gun in an area where the child could reach it. If you put a child in the driver's seat of a car with the ignition on, what do you think the child would do? Start to drive the car and crash. Is this the cars fault? Are cars harmful and dangerous, or is it the parents fault for leaving the car on? Is it really the object that is harmful or is it the parents? The parents are the harmful ones, not the gun. You made a point saying “way too often”. Where did you get this research from? Who said it? How much is too often… that’s not a number or a statistic. How do I even know this is true… you could be stating false information. What schools have encountered shootings, where, and why? I am questioning your statement.

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