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RSS Zein

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

These machines are currently located in 65 airports and the TSA is planning to push the total numbers of machines to 1000. These scanners are in most airports in the USA but still planes get bombed and people smuggle illegal items into planes daily which proves than you are violating our privacy, harming us and starting disputes between TSA and the people for nothing

zein(8) Clarified
1 point

The Islamic Human Right Commission says “The fact that a person’s facial features cannot be identified does not mean that the images are any less invasive. The images still show the person’s body in graphic detail where intimate piecing, catheters and all the parts of the person’s body (including those that a person would normally wish to keep private) are seen by the screener. This is gross invasion of privacy” and if you really are keeping these images in safe keeping than where are the images uploaded on the internet gotten from?

1 point

"I am 6 month pregnant. Absolutely nothing was explained to me about why I had to lift my arms and be scanned or if it would be dangerous to my baby. I didn't think the airline procedure would get more belittling and violation than they already are. I see I was wrong. I will not be flying again until these ridiculous policies change."

-Alison K

This happened about a year after the court ordered "the agency to "promptly" undertake the proper rule making procedures and allow the public to comment on the body scanner program". To date, the agency has made no visible progress toward complying with the Court's order.

2 points

The government are braking it's own law of privacy by going thought scanners

3 points

If they were not the government this would be counted as sexual abuse. On the US law it sates that sexual abuse is “Touching or grabbing of a sexual nature” which is what TSA is doing during a pat down and the scanners is a violation of privacy“The right of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasion of their privacy resulting from the collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of personal information” which means that you are not allowed to collect any personal information from a person without them being aware which exactly what the TSA is doing it is collecting personal pictures of you though the scanners.

0 points

NOV 18, 2010 @ 6:30 AM

The scanners send X-ray beams to the subject which barely penetrate the clothing and show any hidden items on the passenger. The background of the images are usually black so if you are hiding a gun or a small knife on you but it is attached to the side of the body it most likely will not be found. Basically you are invading our privacy and reflecting dangerous and cancerous X-ray beams on us to find weapons or illegal items that can very easily not be found. Not only are these machines a danger to our bodies but they are also an invasion of privacy. The TSA even admitted that these pictures can be stored, printed, recorded and exported but they say that it is only used for testing, training and evaluation.

1 point

Even though the radiation is below average a study condeucted by Marquette University's College of Engineering concludes that ionizing radiation emitted from backscatter scanning devices extends to organs deeper than the skin

1 point

CDRH, NIST, Rapiscan's Third-Party Radiation Testing group, Office of Law Enforcement Standards and Johns Hopkins University Independent Assessment conducted a study concluding that ionizing radiation emitted from backscatter scanning devices extends to organs deeper than the skin

2 points

Josh Tyner was in San Francisco airport where he refused to go through the body scanners so he had to go through a standardized pat-down where he felt uncomfortable because the security was getting to close to him and touching him everywhere which is where he said “If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested”. If this was not the government this would be counted as sexual abuse because the US law states that “Touching or grabbing of a sexual nature” and “Repeatedly standing too close to or brushing up against a person” is counted as sexual abuse which is exactly what the TSA did. Also the “advanced imaging technology” machines is a violation of privacy because the US law also states that “The right of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasion of their privacy resulting from the collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of personal information” which means that you are not allowed to collect any personal information from a person without them being aware which exactly what the TSA is doing it is collecting personal pictures of you though the scanners.

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