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RSS Taimurtareen

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.

"Three hundred of the victims were Muslim, that's 10 percent of the victims," she said. "We are Americans too. The 9/11 tragedy hurt everybody including the Muslim community. We are all in this together and together we have to fight against extremism and terrorism."according to

BIG DEAL so what people are against it or not the point is that it is their land they can do what they want with it

"I think it's the right thing to do," said Marvin Bethea, who was a paramedic at ground zero. "I lost 16 friends down there. But Muslims also got killed on 9/11. They shouldn't be blaming Muslims because lots of Muslims died that day not only Christians

2 points

according to

"The time for a center like this has come because Islam is an American religion," Khan said. "We need to take the 9/11 tragedy and turn it into something very positive." The Americans are only taking the negatives out of this structure they are not realizing that a 9/11 memorial is going to be included.

2 points

according to

New York mayor said"if we were to deny American Muslims the right to build a mosque where they choose. "To cave to popular sentiment would be to hand a victory to the terrorists," Bloomberg said. New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a mosque supporter, says, "Everybody's liberty is at stake here."

3 points

Saudi Arabia have their own laws and America have the amendments if they did not something like this why create the amendments

3 points

according to,8599,2011400,00.html

they are planning not only to include a prayer but also a swimming pool,basketball court and many other facilities which is open to the public

3 points

i think that a mosque in ground zero should be allowed because it is clearly stated in the first amendment that you can practice your religion freely in USA

But the celebrity becomes a part of the business so he/she should be held responsible for being a part of it

3 points

His manager should check if it is a good company but the celebrity should check too to see what they are getting themselves into

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