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RSS Sanahaji

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were before the TSA scanners were launched. According to , advanced-imaging-technology, "Advanced Imaging Technology started in 2008. "

1 point

The shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were before the TSA scanners were launched. According to , advanced-imaging-technology, "Advanced Imaging Technology started in 2008. "

1 point

Would you rather value privacy over security? So you don't mind risking your life for privacy?

1 point

Can you please provide evidence that shows that terrorists are able to hack the software of a TSA body scanner?

1 point

The TSA body scans, “Since January 2010, advanced imaging technology has detected more than 300 dangerous or illegal items on passengers in U.S. airports nationwide.” u.s.-airports

1 point

According to the, "The scanners only show a generic outline of a person which will appear on a monitor. "

0 points

Before the TSA body scanners were installed, there were many terrorist attacks including the 9/11. A few months after the 9/11 attacks, "Richard Reid, a failed shoe bomber, put a bomb in his shoe. On the plane, he then lit a fuse to his shoe bomb, then a flight attendant spotted him. " This happened on an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami. At this time, if the scanners were launched, this bomb would have been caught before Richard had entered the plane.

0 points

According to u.s.-airports, "The amount of radiation is extremely low, equivalent to the radiation a person would receive in a few minutes of flying.” In the TSA body scanners, there is a small amount of radiation in the TSA scanners which are less than even talking on a cell phone. The chance of cancer is very slim from going through these TSA body scanners.

1 point

Actually according to the daily mail,,

"In 2014 TSA officials found 2,212 guns and weapons through these scanners which is 22 percent more than 2013 which proves the rise of threats to passengers and airlines." You stated that anyone could slip in weapons through security checkpoints, but there isn't a source proven to show that in the past officers have slipped in weapons.

0 points

In your opening statement, you stated that, "the TSA has authorized enhanced pat-downs, which could include the touching of genitals, buttocks and breast." According to pat-downs, "If you choose not to, or cannot go through the AIT machines, then you can opt for a pat-down." However, you can still do a TSA body scan if you don't like the officers touching you.

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