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RSS Emanqadumi

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

First of all, this is not a mosque, it is a community center that allows all religions to come and practice their faiths. This community provides facilities that are needed and will be an asset to the city. Second if you are trying to say real American's discriminate against religions then that is an incorrect statement because as it states in the first amendment that everybody has the right to practice their religion wherever they please in America. Nobody's "opinion" can make them stop.

1 point

We believe that there can always be more than one community center as this will help the society and economy by providing more jobs and more places for people to go. Why is it okay for the Jewish to build a community center near the site but it is not okay for muslims to build one that clearly states all religions are welcome. Is this a sign of discrimination?

0 points

As I have previously stated The center will be an “asset to the city”, and provide to the community a library, gymnasium, swimming pool, basketball court, 500-seat auditorium, a restaurant, a 9/11 memorial, child care facilities, and even a school for culinary arts.

The planned center will not be located in the World Trade center site but not only that, the center will also not be a mosque. According to Islam, a mosque is a holy place that is devoted solely to worship. Park51 is simply a cultural center with a prayer room that in fact, is open to believers of all religions.

1 point

The center will be an “asset to the city”, and provide to the community a library, gymnasium, swimming pool, basketball court, 500-seat auditorium, a restaurant, a 9/11 memorial, child care facilities, and even a school for culinary arts.

The planned center will not be located in the World Trade center site but not only that, the center will also not be a mosque. According to Islam, a mosque is a holy place that is devoted solely to worship. Park51 is simply a cultural center with a prayer room that in fact, is open to believers of all religions.

0 points

The Muslim community center is a major economic investment that will pump over $100 million in infrastructure into lower Manhattan and will create as many as 150 full-time and 500 part-time jobs in an area that desperately needs it

0 points

Muslims have the same right to build a house of worship in Lower Manhattan and to pray for the victims of 9/11 as any other group. Approximately 60 Muslims were murdered in the 9/11 attacks. This absolutely does not show insensitivity to the families. Where was the sensitivity when 50,000 civilians were killed in Afghanistan by the american army? Where was the sensitivity when American government opened up their weaponry to the Israeli army to kill more children and civilians? Sensitivity is not the issue considering many muslims died during the attack.

1 point

It is strictly the Muslims Community's right to build a mosque wherever they please. Going against the building of the mosque would go against the constitution. The first amendment in the constitution clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. “

0 points

A survey was taken asking the students (students were of mixed races/ethnicities) in Dubai American Academy if the students believe a community consisting of a mosque should be built two blocks away from the 9/11 attack site. From the final results, the data collected states that 80% of the students believe that muslims should have the right to build a community two blocks away from the 9/11 site and 30% believe otherwise.

0 points

What happened during 9/11 was a very tragic event, in which both Christian and Muslim families were affected. The American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC) have denounced the 9/11 attacks and called the action “un-islamic”. The Imam of the community center that includes a mosque stated that, “So we're coming at it from the point of view of wanting to contribute to our society and to take that tragedy of 9/11 and turn it into something very peaceful and hopeful for all of us.” Many citizens as well as nations around the world, believe that it is the Muslim Communities first amendment right to build the mosque wherever they please, and practice their religion safely.

1 point

I am glad that you have conceded what I have just stated considering your response has nothing to do with the gender equality between men and women during military training.

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