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RSS Tamara

Reward Points:19
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes , this is why schools should have a gun for this reason . This is an article stating In this article/video is stating how kids feel much safer with a gun in the school . If there is ever a crazy person who comes shooting in the school , the school, is protected as they have a gun. "Teachers with Guns." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015. Chris Boyette, who works at CNN

1 point

Is there someone who can prove that this site is actual proven information ?

1 point

"When the second amendment was created in the 18th century, the US Government primarily relied on its people to fight during war as it had no regulated militia. Therefore, in the unfortunate event of a foreign invasion, the US depended on its civilians to defend itself. Clearly, a well-regulated civilian militia is no longer a military necessity for the United States. Therefore, the question arises that “Does the second clause of the Amendment still apply even if the first clause, providing its reason, is no longer meaningful?”.From this argument I believe that it is essentially clear that the second amendment should hold no validity today as its first clause which holds its justification is completely invalid and untrue. - already said by me."

1 point

Who wrote this ? Is this an opinion or an actual site . I do not think that this is a good site to get factual information! This looks like a site somebody just created without any actual statistics

1 point

Yes , but not only people die from shootings . As i mentioned in my post earlier , more people die from impaired driving ! In the years 0f 2013 and 2015 , more people have died from alcohol -impaired driving crashes than of shootings.In 2015 there have been 485 deaths because the shotting was used as a defensive use. The number of deaths due to alcohol impaired driving is 10,076 deaths. 2)An article from Gun Violence Archive. 1)A member from CDC Injury Center. 2)

1) impaired driving/impaired-drvfactsheet.html

1 point

Concealed Carry Laws help reduce crime

Of the 383,400 citizens who have received permits to carry their guns concealed, only 72 people have used their gun to commit a crime according to the Florida Department of State. (14) This means that a citizen in Florida is almost twice as likely to be attacked by an alligator than to be assaulted by a Florida Carry Concealed Weapon holder. Written by Gun Owners by Gun Owners Foundation

1 point

Concealed Carry Laws help reduce crime

Of the 383,400 citizens who have received permits to carry their guns concealed, only 72 people have used their gun to commit a crime according to the Florida Department of State. (14) This means that a citizen in Florida is almost twice as likely to be attacked by an alligator than to be assaulted by a Florida Carry Concealed Weapon holder. Written by Gun Owners by Gun Owners Foundation

1 point

Where did you get this information form ?Is this information even accurate ? Or is this just a opinion of yours ? A link and who wrote it would be necessary for me to believe this piece of information.

1 point

Guns are necessary for protection ! It is not only me who thinks this , David Frum, CNN Contributor stated that that owning a gun makes you feel safe as if there is anything that happens in their house , they could just take the gun and use it as self defence. And I quote “They argued that gun ownership is necessary for self-protection. They narrated stories of how their guns had saved them or their loved ones in armed confrontations."Do Guns Make Us Safer? -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

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