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RSS OliverNemeth

Reward Points:3
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In conclusion, safety always wins over privacy. You guys might say that they can get through them so they should switch it with a search dog or a metal detector, but if you want to do that be ready for horrible things to happen. This is because with a dog, it can only sniff drugs and with a metal detector it only detects metal so you can sneak plastic knives or drugs.

1 point

Is this an opinion because you have no sources which state that that is true.

1 point

It does not go against the 4th amendment because In 1973 the 9th Circuit Court rules on U.S. vs Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 908, there are key pieces of wording that give the TSA its power to search essentially any way they choose to. The key wording in this ruling includes “noting that airport screenings are considered to be administrative searches because they are conducted as part of a general regulatory scheme, where the essential administrative purpose is to prevent the carrying of weapons or explosives aboard aircraft.”

1 point

You have no evidence to prove that it doesn't show black on black.

1 point

Really, search dogs!!! If you are good enough you could hide a piece of meat and maybe that will get their attention. Search dogs are too easy to get through and metal detectors, there are plastic knives that can go through! Search Dogs would only be good for sniffing drugs but if you have a weapon you really think they can smell that!

1 point

Personal Freedoms the TSAs AIT does not impact personal freedoms, you guys agreed to buy the ticket which states that you are agreeing to go through these machines, if you dont want to do that take a boat!!!Relating back to the 4th amendment, it states that people have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, and no Warrants. TSA’s AIT is not an unreasonable search. its for safety. Also they don’t have a warrant but when you buy the ticket you are agreeing to go through security, which is where you are randomly chosen to go through the AIT. So TSA’s AIT is not unreasonable and you agree to it if you are planning to fly.

0 points

Im pretty sure the USA would have more problems if someone else can get through hijack a plane and bomb more of their buildings, once again there is no price for safety!!!

1 point

I can already tell you guys are losing because you are afraid to fight against our disputes, scaredy cats!!!

2 points

Where do you get your info, from 2008 because that is 2000 and late. All modern body scanners have been upgraded so they are tougher to get by. The background doesn't blend in with the weapon anymore.

1 point

Safety First!!! A human life is priceless, safety wins over privacy!!

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