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RSS Inaki

Reward Points:21
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

A strip club has no religious connections and is irrelevant to the terrorist act.

2 points

A simple peace offering will not cure years of suffering because of 9/11. Even if they are not "real muslims" the terrorist act was done in the name of Islam.

1 point

Constructing a Mosque so close to Ground Zero is offensive, just like the swastika is prohibited in Germany because of the holocaust. Another example is how Christians found in Mecca are arrested, a whole city where Christians aren't allowed.

0 points

Building the mosque so close could also end badly for Muslims, there could be protest and a possibility of violence because of the controversial location. The safety of the Muslims would be guaranteed if the mosque were built farther away. Security experts have also spoken against the construction.

1 point

Building the mosque so close could also end badly for Muslims, there could be protest and a possibility of violence because of the controversial location. The safety of the Muslims would be guaranteed if the mosque were built farther away. Security experts have also spoken against the construction.

0 points

A large portion of New Yorkers and Americans are against the building of Park 51 so near to Ground Zero. The opinion of the people should be taken into account. Even senators have spoken against the location proposed for the building:;‘insensitive’ skelos-31

1 point

Muslims do have the right to pray for victims, but this building is still very insensitive as the terrorist act was done in the name of Islam.

0 points

Constructing a mosque where thousands of people were killed in the name of Islam is disrespectful. It is common in many other places for religions to not be allowed in specific places. Here is a christian who was arrested at Mecca for being there.

1 point

The city center should be built, it would just be a lot more appropriate if it is built in another location.

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