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RSS Cyrusachtari

Reward Points:3
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Closing Sentence:

As you can see, our points prove that the TSA Scanners should be removed and that they shouldn't be used anymore because of all the risks and cases of it. The Scanners have not always been used for good reasons either. That is why they should remove them.

1 point

Well there still have been a lot of terrorist attacks such as the german co-pilot and the missing planes

1 point

The scanners slow down everyone because every scan takes approximately 2 - 3 minutes but the old metal detectors only took 5 seconds.

1 point

Actually there have been reports of officers keeping pictures of the scans such as this one: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Supporting Evidence: Images stored (
2 points

Well even though the scanners dont produce that much radiation, they still need to buy dosimeters to measure the radiation just to make sure so that wastes money.

1 point

The TSA scanners have been reported to increase cancer rates. The scanners also cause 85% of basal cell carcinoma disease out of 800,000 per year.That is 680,000 people getting basal cell carcinoma from the scanners.

2 points

Even though the scanners in the airport don't produce that much radiation, the officers still need to buy a dosimeter for every single person to make sure that they are safe from radiation.

2 points

2 Officers have been fired for groping a passenger that looked attractive to them by changing the gender on the scanner so that the scanner believes that the passenger is holding weapons. After they changed the gender, they preformed a pat down and groped the passenger.

Supporting Evidence: 2 Officers in Denver Airport groped a passenger (
1 point

Also, some officers that find other people pretty sometimes lie about the scan so that they can pat them down and grope them.

2 points

Well the TSA Scanners can't always be right because there is only one officer looking at the scans, so if he is bribed or wants to let someone pass with an illegal item, they can. That is why the TSA Scanners aren't always the best results.

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Here is an example of an officer being bribed by people to let them pass with drugs VVV

Supporting Evidence: Bribed Officer (
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